"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing." ~ Abraham Lincoln
What is a deep work intensive?
If you've ever been frustrated by the standard 50-minute therapy hour and felt like you always seem to get to the big revelations just before time is up, deep work intensives could be a great option for you. These are approximately 3-hour sessions that allow you to go beyond what the 50-minute hour can hold in order to get to the root of the issue. These sessions are appropriate for trauma work, challenging anxiety and limiting self-beliefs, or even just tackling any big issue in your life that's been giving you trouble. Many clients find significant relief after only one intensive session, but follow-ups can be scheduled as needed. Many folks who are already in ongoing traditional therapy engage in deep work intensives, and I am always happy to consult with your therapist if you like.
Trauma, anxiety, childhood wounds, and limiting self-beliefs are some of the challenges clients choose to work on in intensive sessions.

Intensive sessions are my passion! I find it incredibly rewarding to witness and support clients' ability to transform their lives in such a short time. To find out more about my background and training, check out my About page.
To schedule a phone consult with me, fill out the form at the bottom of this page and I'll be in touch!
Options for your intensive session
The way we approach your intensive will depend on what you want to work on, whether any particular method appeals to you, and what interventions I think your particular issue will respond to best. I am trained in a variety of deep work modalities, and it's not uncommon for us to mix and match them to come up with a tailored experience for you. Some of the methods I use most often are below. If you like, peruse them to see if anything interests you, but don't get hung up on deciding between them—we'll do that part together.
Eye-Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR). In a nutshell, EMDR involves revisiting traumatic memories while following a visual stimulus on your laptop screen. This desensitization method tends to be most effective for classic PTSD symptoms triggered by traumatic memories. I use a modified protocol that emphasizes creating safety and ensuring that you feel in control and supported throughout the entire process, including after the session. Although EMDR isn't an easy process, it can have absolutely life-changing effects for folks whose traumatic memories and PTSD symptoms are holding them prisoner. Learn more about my approach to EMDR here.
Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS). Despite the name, this modality has nothing to do with your family members. It actually uses the principles of family therapy to address the family inside, or the parts of our personalities that can sometimes seem to be in conflict with one another. This method tends to be less overwhelming than EMDR and is very effective for addressing a variety of issues including anxiety, childhood wounds, and complex trauma. One major plus of IFS is that you learn the basics of how to use the method on your own without the aid of a therapist, so you can continue to benefit from it long after your session.
Mindfulness-based Therapy Mindfulness offers many valuable skills and perspective shifts that can improve our ability to weather life's challenges and embrace self-compassion. I practice an eclectic version of mindfulness-based therapy that includes elements of Trauma-sensitive Mindfulness, Trauma-sensitive Yoga, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). ​
How do I know if an intensive is right for me?
Before we meet, we will have a consultation over the phone to ensure that the intensive format is a good and safe option for you. Since all intensives are virtual, it's essential that you have a safe and private space from which to do the session, and that you have a strong internet connection. It's also essential that, if you're tackling something big like childhood trauma, that you're in a relatively stable place emotionally and that you have a robust support system. I may recommend that you are in concurrent ongoing individual therapy at the time of your intensive, and will be happy to consult with your therapist if you like. During our initial phone call, we will identify whether the intensive format is a good option for you—and if not, I will do my best to recommend other mental health support options.
How much is it?
The cost for a three-hour intensive session is $475. Unfortunately, intensives are not an insurance-eligible service, although they are a Health Savings Account and Flexible Spending Account-eligible expense. While it's true that an intensive is more expensive than a single 50-minute session, the format of the intensive allows you to get significantly more work done than you would in three separate sessions since we don't have to spend time getting all the way back to where we left off at the end of the preceding session. Since most clients do experience significant relief after one session, they typically report feeling that their intensive experience was extremely cost-effective and a worthwhile investment.
If you're ready to explore further, fill out the form below. I will be in touch within a day or two and we can decide together if an intensive is right for you. Just so you know, I am not pushy—and am not looking to sell you a service that I don't think is the best option for you. I will be happy to recommend other options if that's the case, and I'll never pressure you. I typically have a waitlist for intensive sessions that runs about a month or two into the future.